Course Format: This course is 1.5 days, held in-person at the Heritage Center of Brooklyn Center. It will be all day on Tuesday, June 10 and half day on Wednesday, June 11.
Course Description: This course will focus on just how gas chromatography works and just what is really going on inside the capillary. The information will be reinforced with basic chromatographic theory so that the novice as well as the experienced chromatographer can benefit from the discussion. Of course, keeping the GC system up and running is the goal. Preventative maintenance is the key. This course will center on those things that damage the column and discuss ways to prevent problems before they occur. The four major reasons why columns die is presented as well as how to avoid those problems so that the column will last forever. This course will center on knowing what can truly go wrong with capillary and how to fix it. Knowing how to diagnose problems and correct them will be discussed.
Often the GC column is chosen for an analysis just because it was the one in the instrument when the analysis was needed. This can result in a satisfactory method but can often be unoptimized. This course will include answers to the questions; Do I need a long or short column? What role does the size of the internal diameter play? Do I need a thin or thick stationary phase film? Why would I choose a non-polar, intermediate polarity, or polar stationary phase? Injection parameters will be explored for Split and Splitless sample introduction. Lastly the reasons for choosing the oven temperature programs will be discussed.
Course Outline:
Basic Theory
Column Installation
Understanding Injection
Choosing the Column
Basic Care, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting of GC Systems
Understanding Temperature Programming
Instructor Bio: Daron Decker Gas Chromatography Technical Specialist, Columns and Supplies at Agilent Technologies Daron Decker is a Gas Chromatography Technical specialist for the Columns and Supplies group at Agilent Technologies for the past 25 years. Prior to Agilent, Daron worked for nearly a decade for J&W Scientific in the area of technical support. Daron started his career in New Ulm, MN at MVTL as an environmental analyst and has been attending the MCF since that time and been a strong proponent of the organization throughout the years. Daron has given many seminars, courses and technical papers on GC both domestic and international. Daron's seminars are well known in the industry for being excellent, informative and entertaining! In May 2003, Daron was awarded the Palmer Award. This prestigious award is given by the MCF to those whose professional as well as scientific accomplishments have fostered progress in chromatography.